
About me

I am a local amateur astronomer and long time nerd. I have lived in southwest Virginia my whole life and as a resident of the rural parts of the area I have a heavy appreciation for the low levels of light pollution we have here compared to areas even just a few dozen miles away. I love astrophotography, but my favorite thing to do is to just sit in a lawn chair and stare at the Milky Way from my front yard and scan it with binoculars for star clusters and nebulae. Astronomy is a passion hobby for me, and given the ever increasing light pollution issue I would love to spread that passion to as many people as I can so we can minimize the loss of our night sky.

About the page

This website is a companion to the Facebook page and groups by the name of Southwest Virginia Astronomy. It is meant to make people aware of local astronomy events and clubs where they may exist as well as just spread as much knowledge as I can about the universe around us and how we can observe it.